HTML - статьи



The FN element logically identifies text to be presented

as a footnote. The reference location for the footnote is expected

to be an A element whose HREF attribute references the ID of the

FN element.

Minimum Attributes

<FN ID="...">characters... </FN>

All Possible Attributes





CLASS="...">characters... </FN>

Elements Allowed Within...

-In progress, to be determined-

Allowed In Content Of...

-In progress, to be determined-


The FN element is a Version 3 proposed element.

Version 3 specifies that when practical, the browser should

render the FN element as pop-up notes.

Version 3 does not specify an expected rendering when the footnote

text is simply displayed where it occurs in the document.

However, Version 3 does state that the FN element does not imply

text separation. Therefore, common practice expects that the

contents of the FN element would begin with a markup element

which produces separation, e.g. the P element.

Содержание раздела