HTML - статьи



The LINK element is used to indicate a relationship between

this document and other documents or objects.

Multiple LINK elements may exist in a document.

A LINK in document A with an HREF to document/object B with


identifies a relationship that B has to A that A recognizes/authorizes/verifies.

A LINK in document B with an HREF to document/object A with

REV=relation that is the identical relation

identifies a desired/expected/claimed relationship of B to document/object A,

but must be verified by checking with A.

For further description of the LINK attributes, see the


Minimum Attributes

<LINK HREF="..."


All Possible Attributes

<LINK HREF="..."










Elements Allowed Within...

The LINK element is defined as having no content.

Allowed In Content Of...


The LANG, DIR and CHARSET attributes are introduced with the

internationalization proposal.

The CHARSET attribute is a hint as to the expected

character set used by the hyperlink.

Some browsers will expect a LINK REV relationship of "made"

to be a "mailto:name@e-mail_address" to facilitate

sending comments to the person that made the document.

Contrary to the specification of the standard, this seems to only

work if "made" is the only relationship in that LINK element.

In addition to those mentioned with the element,

Version 3 reserves some relations for REL that are expected to

be used for document specific toolbars. Currently these include

Home, ToC, Index, Glossary, Copyright, Up, Next,

Previous, Help, Bookmark.

Version 3 also discusses relations for a document banner

and style sheets.

LINK is a Level 0 element.

Sandia Requirements

A LINK element in the HEAD to identify the owner of

the document responsible for its accuracy is

required by Sandia's automated Web tools:

<LINK REV="owns" TITLE="Full Name" HREF="">

LINK elements are also recommended to identify

other individuals and their relationships to this document.

The REV value of made should be used to identify the

author of the document.

Suggested values for REV in additional LINK elements are:

approves, editor, publisher.

Large documents which are separated into smaller HTML subdocuments

should use the LINK element with the REL attribute to identify these


The parent document should identify all subdocuments by:

<LINK REL="Subdocument" TITLE="Subdoc Name" HREF="link-url">

The subdocument may identify its parent by:

<LINK REV="Subdocument" TITLE="Maindoc Name" HREF="link-url">

Any Sandia document which is part of

a set of HTML subdocuments which form a sequence or hierarchy should

include two specific LINK elements identifying the REL values of

next and previous.

Only one next and one previous relationship

may be specified in a document.

Any of the other document relationships mentioned in this Reference Manual

may also be used.

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