HTML - статьи



The TITLE is not part of the document text.

Often the title is used by a browser to label the display window.

Some Web search engines only search the title of Web pages.

Therefore the text of the TITLE should be kept short

but sufficient to identify the document.

Minimum Attributes



All Possible Attributes





Elements Allowed Within...

Only parsed character data is expected in the content of the

TITLE element. Note that the elements

are expressly prohibited by RFC 1866 from being nested

within the TITLE element content

Allowed In Content Of...


RFC 1866 specifies that all HTML documents must contain a TITLE element.

Some browsers will truncate titles to a length they can handle.

RFC 1866 recommends that titles be fewer than 64 characters.

The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the

internationalization proposal.

TITLE is a Level 0 element.

Sandia Requirements

The TITLE element is required to include a short, uniquely

descriptive document title.

Содержание раздела